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Quarterly Commentary

2Q22 CIO Commentary

2Q22 CIO Commentary

Prices rise, the Fed wakes up, Russia grinds on, stocks and bonds collapse simultaneously, and our thoughts on US stocks after their 20% haircut. All this and more in AlphaGlider’s Q2 CIO Commentary.

1Q22 CIO Commentary

1Q22 CIO Commentary

Inverted yield curves, oil shocks, and Fed rate increases. What could go wrong? All this and more in AlphaGlider’s Q1 CIO Commentary.

4Q21 CIO Commentary

4Q21 CIO Commentary

Omicron, inflation, US tech, China, and learning what to stress about. All this and more in AlphaGlider’s Q4 CIO Commentary.

3Q21 CIO Commentary

3Q21 CIO Commentary

China pulls down emerging markets, job growth weakens, wages and everything else inflate, and 136 countries agree on something. All this and more in AlphaGlider’s Q3 CIO Commentary.

2Q21 CIO Commentary

2Q21 CIO Commentary

If Marty McFly pulled up in the driveway, US equity market valuations now and in 2000, and more in this quarter’s CIO Commentary.