+ Does AlphaGlider help clients report taxes?
No. AlphaGlider does not provide tax advice. Please consult your tax advisor for tax preparation assistance.
If your investment account meets the criteria for reporting, you will get tax documents (e.g. 1099) in the mail from Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (“Schwab”). These tax documents will also be available for each of your accounts on the Schwab account website.
+ Where can I get my tax documents?
If your investment account meets the criteria for reporting, you will get tax documents (e.g. 1099) in the mail from Schwab. These tax documents will also be available for each of your accounts on the Schwab account website.
+ Does AlphaGlider do tax-loss harvesting?
Yes. AlphaGlider monitors opportunities to realize capital losses in your taxable investment account in order to offset your capital gains taxes and potentially to offset some of your ordinary income.
We are conscious to avoid falling afoul of the wash sale rule when reinvesting proceeds from tax-loss harvesting selling. To maximize your tax benefit, we realize short-term capital losses before realizing long-term capital losses.
+ Is AlphaGlider’s advisory fee tax-deductible?
No. As of 2018, investment advisory fees are no longer tax deductible.
However, the IRS allows advisory fees associated with a tax-advantaged account to be paid directly out of that account, effectively allowing “pre-tax” dollars to be used. The IRS does not treat this as a distribution. However, for most investors this benefit does not make up for the loss of the tax-deferral benefits inherit in a tax-advantaged account. By default, AlphaGlider will deduct advisory fees associated with your tax-advantaged account from your taxable AlphaGlider account, if you have one. Your particular circumstances may make it attractive to pay your retirement account advisory fee directly from this same account. Please contact us if this is the case. Please consult your tax advisor for more detailed information or for advice regarding your individual situation. AlphaGlider does not provide tax advice.
If you do not have a taxable AlphaGlider investment account and you don't want to pay your advisory fee out of it, you have the choice of using one of our free electronic payment methods (currently Square Cash) or mailing us a check.
Still have questions? Please chat us (bottom left), call us on +1 737 381 6005, or email us at info@alphaglider.com.